Daily Devotions

God knew that his chosen people, the nation of Israel, would some day want a king to rule over them. They would eventually want to be like their neighboring nations that had kings. So God spoke through Moses and gave instructions on what a king should do. And sure enough. That’s what happened. The Israelites asked for a king, so God gave them the desire of their hearts. It’s obvious that the kings either deliberately disobeyed or forgot or ignored the instructions God gave them. There was one command that would have made all other commands easier to obey. By the way history has been written, it is apparent that these kings chose not to perform this one daily task. If all of the men who eventually became king over Israel would have followed this one simple command, history would have been written in a totally different way. But here we are. Sure. It would have taken time out of their busy royal lives, but there are always things and people and events that can distract us. We must stay focused on obeying God’s commands, every one of them, so that our lives will be free from sin.

The command God spoke through Moses was that the king must copy for himself the Law of God onto a scroll. And he should do this in the presence of the priests. He should then always keep that copy with him and read it every day as long as he lives. Imagine if each Israelite king would have read God’s law every day of his reign. And by copying the law in front of the priests meant that they could instruct him in the meaning of the words he was writing.

When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the Lord his God by obeying all the terms of these instructions and decrees. This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens. It will also prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way. And it will ensure that he and his descendants will reign for many generations in Israel. Deuteronomy 17:18-20

It’s a known fact that we learn by writing down the information given to us. What better way for the king to know the commands he’s to follow than by writing them down. That simple task would familiarize him with the laws. And then when he would read them each day, he would have a written reminder of how to lead his nation to follow God. It doesn’t seem a difficult command to follow. Does it?

Now imagine. If all the presidents who have ever been elected to lead our great nation would have written out every single word of the Bible in front of a noted theologian each day. Imagine that they would have then read it daily. Imagine how different our country would be. Imagine how different their decisions would have been. Imagine what evils they could have prevented. Imagine the good this country could have done. Imagine the actual freedom the citizens of this country would experience. Also. Along with a good conscience and truthful speaking and righteous acts committed by these presidents, there would be dissenters. Not only dissenters from within the nation, but foreign dissenters. No. Not everyone will agree with the teachings of the Bible. But everyone doesn’t have to agree with it in order for it to be true.

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalms 119:105

We have a choice each day. To read or not to read the Bible. Let’s take a stand and open the Word of God and apply it to our lives. It’s also not a bad idea to get a pad of paper and pen and write it out in longhand. Writing with pen and paper seems to be a dying art, but imagine the learning that would take place if we committed to spending time in God’s Word each and every day. If we are committed Christians, then it should already be a habit we follow. But if not, then today is the best day to start. Open the Word and read it. Write it down and even commit it to memory.

I’ve made the decision to read my Bible through every year. I’m on my third year of doing this. Each year I read it, I find things that I’ve forgotten or overlooked or ignored. Or perhaps certain passages of Scripture didn’t jump out at me in previous readings. I find that I’m learning new truths each time I read the Bible. And I love that. The Bible is full of many types of literature, so it is never dull. It gives commands on how we should live. It provides prophecies that have been fulfilled, as well as others that are still waiting to happen. It’s not only historical, but it is full of references of how our life will continue after we pass from this earth.

At some point in his reign, King Solomon stopped his daily practice of reading Scriptures. And it became obvious during his reign that something had changed. Oh. But first. He was never perfect. His priorities changed from pleasing God to pleasing himself. He grew very wealthy. He denied himself no luxury. He married many, many women and had a multitude of concubines. And he began worshipping false gods that his many wives worshipped. They and their worship of false gods pulled him away from the One True God.

We too must be very cautious. If we don’t maintain a regular habit of reading the Bible, we may get caught up in practices that ignore or deny God. Isn’t it true that if we don’t stay in touch with our friends, we think of them less often. They aren’t as high a priority as they once were. We tend to forget about them. The same goes with our relationship with God. If we don’t spend time with him every day, we will find excuses to ignore him. He will stop being a priority in our lives. Let’s not do that. Too much is at stake.

And then what happens if a friend confronts us about something we don’t want to hear? Do we avoid them? Unfriend them? Do we make them less of a priority because we don’t want to hear uncomfortable truths? Do we treat God the same way? If we read something in his Word that convicts us, do we continue reading or set the book aside and never open it again? Do we tell ourselves that we aren’t really a bad person and those words must be meant for someone else?

Our life on this earth is short compared to eternity. We think seventy or eighty years is long, but they go by very quickly. And if we haven’t made a habit of reading God’s Word and spending time with him, we won’t recognize his power and authority. Let’s open the Word of God and make it a daily habit. Then let’s see what happens in our lives.

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12

No Smell of Smoke

Daniel’s three friends were in trouble. They had been invited to a celebration of sorts. The king had built an idol and expected his government leaders to bow down to it. And these three said No. They would not bow. They didn’t even have a second thought about changing their minds. Even when given a second chance, they stood strong on the grounds that it would defile their relationship with God. And there was no way they would let anything come between them and God. There was no hesitation or pause in their response. They had made that decision ahead of time, and they were sticking to it.

So here they were standing in front of a blazing furnace. And the king was so enraged that he had the furnace turned up several degrees hotter. And he had his mighty military men bind these three hand and foot before throwing them in the furnace. The fire was so hot that it killed the soldiers who shoved them into the furnace. As they fell down into the flames, the binding around their arms and feet fell away. They were free to move about freely. No. They didn’t burn up. They didn’t die. They were walking around in that big furnace. And suddenly the king shrieked! He saw a fourth one in the fire. I’m sure he was suddenly fearful. How did a fourth person get in the fire? Who was this and how did he get in there? And the king claimed he looked like the son of a god.

Oh. Deep down he knew, but he didn’t want to admit it. The king knew who was in the fire with these three faithful followers of God Almighty. This king, Nebuchadnezzar, had already had a run-in with this God, and God proved his might. Now, once again, here is God showing up to save the lives of three men who faithfully stood strong in their faith against a self-infatuated king. You see. Just before tossing these men in the fire, the king had dared to ask them just what god would be able to save them. And guess who showed the king. God himself.

So the king did the only thing he could do. He called to the men in the furnace to come out. So out of the furnace the three men walked. Not a hair on their heads was singed. Their clothes weren’t scorched. And they didn’t even smell of smoke. It was a miracle indeed.

You can read the full story in Daniel 3.

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Psalms 46:1-2

Imagine a time when you are called on to bow to a false god or a false ideology that goes against your faith in God. As you stand with the crowd, there are watchers. They are looking for those who refuse to bow to the demand. And the decision must be made in an instant. To bow or not to bow. What would you choose? Oh. If you’ve already made the decision ahead of time that nothing, and I mean nothing, comes between you and God, then you don’t hesitate. Making that decision in advance is key to not bowing to pressure. But if the decision hasn’t been made, then the split second you have will be very telling. If you haven’t thought out what you would do when a very difficult decision that tests your faith stands before you, you could easily bow to a demand you don’t support. And then. There you are.

Let’s say you decide to stand for God’s truth. You buck the trend and choose to share the reason you can’t comply with what is being demanded of you. And then you’re challenged even further with loss of job or worse. Do you still stand strong in your convictions? Or, does your courage begin to fray? Do you go against the grain and maintain your personal faith in the face of any and all threats? Let’s say that you do.

Then the true test comes. You lose your beloved job and no one will hire you. After all, you’re not one who can be counted on to support current cultural trends. So you’re blacklisted. Loss of income. Loss of respect in your field of expertise. You’re an outcast. During that time of testing, do you feel the fourth person in the fire with you? Do you sense God’s sweet presence walking with you through that burning furnace? Just because you alone stood for your faith when others bowed to pressure doesn’t mean you’re standing alone.

Then, by God’s grace and provision, you land on your feet. You find a job and you’re saved from homelessness and embarrassment. You can once again pay your bills and provide for your family. You know that it is through the hand of God that you have gotten through the difficulty, and you’re so very thankful. You know that God is truly the source of your strength, and your faith is stronger than ever.

But do others see that stronger faith and courage in you? Did you walk out of the fire without any smoke damage? Was your hair singed? Were you clothes scorched? Do you smell like the smoke of testing? Did you walk out with a bitter attitude? Do you grumble and complain because life isn’t fair? Do you carry the smell of smoke or the aroma of Christ?

We’ve all been through deep trials in our lives. Some are walking through the fire of testing at this moment. Others feel they’re about to be burned. They are standing strong in their faith, but some days are more difficult than others. They wonder if standing strong is really worth it. They wonder if giving up and giving in to the pressures they’re facing is the best thing to do. Is it better to cave to pressure or burn in the fire?

When we are in the fiery trials, we can know that God is with us. We know his goodness exists even when life doesn’t feel good. We can sense his nearness as we walk through the fiery trials of life. We don’t know if the three men in the furnace knew there was a fourth person in the fire with them. So, we may not always be aware of God’s presence with us as we face trials and tests in our lives. Can we accept the trials knowing that God has allowed them, even if we don’t sense his presence?

We must walk worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of the cost. We must stand for what is biblical. We must also decide that the things we believe, the biblical values we hold near and dear to us, will impact the way we live our lives. It is time for Christians to be courageous.

Skimming the Truth

The thing is. I didn’t lie. I didn’t embellish. But I still didn’t tell the truth. I omitted facts in my story that would have implicated me. No. It wasn’t a harmful omission. It just wasn’t a full truth. And God checked me on it. 

Oh. When I was sharing the story, I realized I should give the full details. But in a moment of self-righteousness, I omitted the information that would bring me down a notch in the other person’s eyes. So, I just didn’t share that part of the story. I didn’t realize when the conversation started that I would be faced with this dilemma, and I was a little caught off guard.

And then God tapped on my heart. And I couldn’t ignore the tap. So, I set the story straight and shared all the details. She probably didn’t think a thing about it, but I knew that I had set things right between me and my God. And that is the way I want to live my life. Keeping things straight between me and God.

I knew I needed to be exonerated in God’s eyes. Because. After all. If I ignore his tug on my heart for a seemingly inconsequential omission of information, what will I do when in a situation of consequence? If I can’t own up in the small offenses, I surely won’t have the courage to do or say the right thing in a really tough situation. 

Partial truth is not complete truth. Obviously. So is it truth? We live as if it is. Oh. We say. I didn’t lie. But if we don’t tell the entire true story, we’re leaving out vital information. And that information could steer the hearer to a different conclusion. And sometimes that’s the goal we’re aiming for. Giving enough truth to call it truth, but making sure the listener doesn’t get all the facts that leads them to a decision, act or thought that goes against our objective. It’s a faulty thing this manipulation of people and actions and facts. We need to be careful.

My dad used to say that a lie was the skin of the truth. And he was right. When the layers of the story are peeled back, it moves further from the truth. Especially if we have to stretch the information to put ourselves in a good light. The conscience will only prick for so long until a callous forms. And then it hardens to the truth. Until the day comes that truth is basically invisible. Then we must ask the question. Is it still truth?

Tell the truth. No matter what.

We lie because we’re threatened by the truth.

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:12‭-‬14

Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don’t let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord , my rock and my redeemer. Psalms 19:13-14

The Jews and Gentiles were a mixed lot. The Jewish nation was chosen by God as his treasured possession. His son, Jesus, would be born into their nation to save us from our sinful condition. Then there were the Gentiles. They had their own separate beliefs, which were much more relaxed than Jewish traditions. The apostles Peter and Paul had preached to them about the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They wanted the Gentiles to know that Jesus died not only for the sins of the Jewish people, but he died for the Gentiles, as well.

Since the Jews had many regulations about food preparation and foods they were allowed to eat, anyone who was a Jew wouldn’t eat with those who weren’t of their persuasion. But when Peter spent time with the Gentiles, he ate with them. He gave up his Jewish rules in order to share the good news of salvation with his Gentile friends. He became one of them to win them to Christianity. He wasn’t trying to change their traditions. But then, some Jewish friends came to visit. All of a sudden, Peter no longer ate with the Gentiles. He became a strict Jew again. While living among the Gentiles, Peter snubbed them because his Jewish friends came to visit. Perhaps he felt torn between the two groups of people. Perhaps he was unsure how to please his Jewish brothers but still continue his relationship with the Gentiles. It was a touchy subject, to say the least.

Instead of skimming the truth with our words and actions, we need to preserve it. Let’s preserve the truth by making sure that’s all we say. No cutting corners. No exaggerations. No hedging. If we can’t say the truth, then we should be silent. And if we can’t be silent, then we should speak the truth. I know. At times, we get caught off guard. That’s what happened to me. I wasn’t planning to skim the truth, but there it was. I didn’t tell the full side of my story, so I led my listener to believe something of me that wasn’t true. And I’m sure it didn’t bother her in the slightest when I corrected my story. But it mattered to me.

And when Peter stopped eating with the Gentiles, he was hedging the truth to both the Jews and Gentiles. In his case, Paul set him straight. Paul confronted him and demanded he live authentically at all times. That’s exactly what we as followers of Christ are called to today. We must live authentic Christian lives. We must be willing to speak truth, not only in inconsequential conversations, but in all situations. Because when we are in the throes of a heavy conversation, we’ll be in a position to naturally speak truth. Even if it’s uncomfortable. Let’s be authentic. Let’s be truth tellers.

If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me. Psalms 66:18-20

Motley Crew

David had been anointed to be the next king of Israel by the prophet, Samuel. The problem was that the current king, Saul, was still alive. There can’t be two kings at the same time. And King Saul had an inkling that David was going to be the next king. Saul had seen God’s favor on David as he fought in battles and as he walked among the people. It wasn’t hard for Saul to see that God’s favor was all over David. So Saul was jealous, and he wanted David dead.

Saul was on the warpath again and was looking to kill David. So, once again, David was on the run. He not only needed a hiding place, but he needed an army to fight with him. How could he accomplish all that at the last minute? David had no place to hide. He couldn’t go home. He couldn’t go to the palace where Saul lived. He couldn’t stay with his best friend, Jonathan, who happened to be Saul’s son. He had nowhere safe to go. So. He did the next best thing. He found a cave to shelter in, and his brothers and his father’s household came along to be protected, as well. But what David really needed was an army to fight with him and for him. Who would do that? Who would fight for him?

Once in the cave, David needed to assemble his army. Whoever he could find would be called on to serve with him. He knew he couldn’t save himself all alone from the mad king hunting him. He needed his own army of men. He needed bodyguards and soldiers to help him fight his battles. He needed marksmen who were straight shooters. So he accepted those who wouldn’t have been accepted into Saul’s army.

Funny thing is. Others down on their luck heard where David was hiding and came to join him. He soon found himself surrounded by those who were in the middle of their own crisis. Their lives were in distress for different reasons, perhaps by their own making. And people who were in debt came to hide out. These men were down on their luck and had seen massive failure. And anyone who was discontented joined him. The discontented men were bitter for different reasons. They either weren’t satisfied with their lives, or they weren’t satisfied with Saul’s leadership. So David basically got all the rejects living in the cave with him. These were men of unsavory reputation, and they became David’s army.

So David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. Soon his brothers and all his other relatives joined him there. Then others began coming—men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented—until David was the captain of about 400 men. 1 Samuel 22:1-2

God used an army of misfits to fight for the future king of Israel. God knew that on their own they were no match for Saul’s army. I mean. After all, each member of this motley crew was already running from someone or something in their past. So would they really stand strong and fight for David when they came face to face with the royal army? Would David be able to whip this small band of no-gooders into battle-ready warriors? It wasn’t that David didn’t know how to train soldiers. He was an experienced war-time leader. The question was. Could these men actually become warriors?

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

I just wonder. When David saw these men coming one by one. Or two by two. Did he roll his eyes at the sight of these scraggly losers? Did he wonder, why the outcasts? Why do they want to join me? How did they find me? What should I do with them? And yet. David took them under his wing, and God made him the captain of this mismatched army. God was at work in these men’s lives in a mighty way. They didn’t remain as outcasts forever. God worked in their lives, and they became true warriors. In a short time, they were using strategic maneuvers in fighting their toughest opponents. And over time, they became David’s loyal army and remained faithful to him even after he became king. They were David’s strong supporters, and they won many battles.

I wonder. When we turn our lives over to God, does he only see the word “misfit” stamped across our forehead? Does he wonder what in the world will he do with us? How can he accomplish his plans with rejects who approach his throne? Oh. God isn’t hiding in a cave. He doesn’t have to. But when we approach him with all our troubles and anxieties and mess ups, otherwise known as sin, what will he do with us?

We come to him as feeble, broken beings and he turns us into his fighting warriors. Oh sure. It takes time and work. It takes obedience and effort. It takes study and preparation. All on our part. If we’re going to become fighting warriors of God, we must do our part in the training program. We have no idea what God will do through us, but we know that God is capable of anything and everything.

We know David didn’t do all the work when training his new army. The actual warriors had to do the grunt work. They had to be disciplined and practice. They didn’t become sharp shooters overnight. They didn’t learn all their strategic fighting moves by just watching David. They had to actually get in the fight. They weren’t sideline warriors. And we can’t be either. We must get in the fight and do our part to stand up for God’s truth. We must be disciplined to study God’s Word, his spiritual warfare manual, so we know how to head off the enemy before he strikes. And then we must do our part to fight the good fight. The war has been raging for centuries, and the battle is getting more intense. We must be battle ready at all times. It’s time to buckle up and put on the full armor of God.

We’ve heard that God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called. So we don’t have to come to him ready to fight. We come to him in repentance and seeking forgiveness. He will clean us up and make us into his warriors as we submit ourselves to him. When we faithfully commit to serving him, he will prune us and shape us into the spiritual warrior he planned us to be. Oh. It won’t be an overnight pruning. It will take years of study and learning, doubting ourselves, picking ourselves us from missteps. But through faith in God, he will use us as his capable warriors as we place our full and complete trust in him.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12