Proclaiming the Glory of God

In seven days, God created the heavens and the earth. We read the account of his work in the book of Genesis. It’s a fascinating story, to say the least. There are those who believe every word written about the creation, and there are those who cut it apart and put it back together in an unrecognizable way. But regardless of what someone believes, the earth rotates once every twenty-four hours in relation to the sun. The sun rises and sets in precise timing. And as if on cue, the earth continues to spin in perfect rhythm. Who but God can orchestrate such an act of precision? No one. I dare to say.

And some wonder who is in command of such happenings. I dare to ask, how can one doubt who is in charge? It seems plain as day to me. Why not to everyone?

The handiwork of God is precise. It is exact and calculated. God is the architect and designer of the universe. The design and craftmanship are beyond measure. Man, of his own abilities, could perform no such feat as to design a constellation of stars, a planet system, four seasons, and food sources enough to feed every mouth on this earth. No man can do that. What man can do and should do well is care for this creation, because it isn’t replaceable.

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. Psalms 19:1-4

Many eyes were drawn to the skies this week as a solar eclipse made its way across Central and North America. Some saw it in its totality, and others viewed it partially. Eyes were guarded with special glasses. Even for the tiniest moment in time, many eyes were focused on the sun. As if the sun were a god. As if time could stand still just for the moon to pass between the sky and earth and the skies to fade dark.

In order for the earth, the moon and the sun to be in perfect alignment at the exact moment in time, a hand much larger and more precise than man’s was at work. Perfect alignment is an exact science, not trivial guesswork. Conditions must be met. Timing counts. This same God who perfectly aligned the three orbs this week also knows the number of cattle in a field. He also causes rain to fall and plants to grow.

It appears that we have survived this mighty act of God. What was predicted by some as potentially catastrophic and a cause for concern has turned out to be a seemingly quiet affair. God’s acts of brilliance don’t have to be thunderous and loud in order to be magnificent. An act of God can be as quiet as a gentle breeze on a warm day. God doesn’t always thunder his presence and power.

This magnificent event was called by different names. Cosmic coincidence. Emotional experience. Absolute transcendence. Strange phenomena. How about an act of God? That’s the more precise description we should give. Who else could align the earth, moon and sun at the exact same time and darkness cover the earth in designated places?

What if, for one tiny moment, all eyes would focus on the God who created the sun and created this spectacular event? Imagine if we focused on the Creator instead of his creation. Oh. His handiwork is something to see. But his gift of forgiveness and salvation are eternal.

There are those who pretend to be God and work by their own efforts to change weather patterns and events. Oh. They seem to be successful. We see their results. And at times, they may have us fooled into thinking the catastrophic event was natural. But only God knows for sure what he’s done and what he’s allowed in those moments.

Regardless of what one thinks of the eclipse or creation itself, the God of the universe orchestrates each moment in time and each circumstance. Others can attempt to play God, but their efforts will fall far short. And over time, it will be obvious who the true God is. It will be obvious whose works are unmatchable and whose are false attempts at greatness.

There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!

Abraham Kuyper

Hail or High Water

There is a part of God’s creation that doesn’t have a soul but yet always obeys Him. Always does as he commands. That part of creation is nature and animals. They can’t talk back to God. They can’t refuse to obey him. They’re at God’s mercy. When he parted the Red Sea, the water didn’t have a choice but to separate. When he caused the donkey to speak to Balaam, the donkey didn’t have a choice but to speak.

When the sun shines each day. When the stars come out at night. When the rain falls. When the wind blows. When a tornado strikes. When hail pummels the ground. None of these have a choice. Weather patterns don’t have a choice whether to start or stop. It does as God commands.

Excessive weather events are controlled by God. Tsunamis. Drought. Earthquakes. Landslides. Volcanoes. God created this earth to obey his commands. And if you notice, people call these incidents acts of God.

And now mankind is trying to manipulate nature. We want to stop the sun’s rays from beaming to the earth. We’ve put layers of radiation in place to damage human and animal bodies. And we call it good. We call it progress. But we’ve never stopped to ask what God thinks of our plans and ideas for improving his creation. Shame on us. I’d dare to say that God perfectly created the universe. The planets. The stars. The galaxies. The sun and moon. The oceans and all that live therein. He doesn’t need any help improving it. He expects us to care for it, not harm it.

But yet the one part of creation that God loves the most is mankind. The part of creation made in His image. The part that he gave a mind and soul and the power to choose. We’re the one part of God’s creation who decides what we do. We can choose to obey God or we can refuse. Mankind is the one part of God’s creation that God chose to commune with one on one. He gave us a soul. He gave us a mind to reason and choose. Vocal chords to speak. We can communicate intelligently.

In the garden of Even, God spent time with Adam and Eve. He didn’t just sit alone in nature. He went to nature to spend time with his image bearers. And when those first two humans disobeyed God’s command, they were separated from him.

The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalms 19:7

If God tells us that we should do something magnificent, we can choose not to do it. If he tells us to stop doing something, we can choose to continue or to stop. We, as image bearers of God, don’t have to obey Him. We can say no. We. Can. Say. No. I’m going to do what I want. When I want. Why I want. Where I want. How I want. We can refuse to obey.

Even though we know God’s will and ways are always perfect, we always have a choice. We have that power. We can say no. We can refuse to honor God. It doesn’t make us more powerful. By any means. It shows our weakness. Refusing to obey God shows our weakness, and it shows that we have given in to another power. The power of Satan influences us by using other people or things that God has made and called good. But Satan twists the good into evil and calls it good.

Only God’s creation that doesn’t have a soul is powerless to refuse God. We might think. Wow, all those poor animals. Those poor flowers and trees. The poor oceans. They have to do everything God commands. But look at what little worries they have. The Bible says just as God feeds the birds of the air, so will he feed and clothe us.

Did you ever notice that Satan doesn’t run after the oceans or skies or animals? He doesn’t tempt them to do what they weren’t created to do. Have you ever seen a potato planted and later harvested as an apple? Does a deer give birth to a cat? Does rain refuse to soak the ground? Satan tempts the creation of God who has the power of choice. Mankind has the choice to do right or wrong. Good or bad. We can create beauty or destroy God’s work. We have the power to refuse Satan’s advances. One little word is all it takes. NO.

We see creation, the trees, the flowers and the insects that are required to keep nature working. God created all of those. He has power over them. They don’t stop and ask why they have to work. The sun doesn’t ask why it has to shine today. It doesn’t beg to be left behind the clouds. Does the moon ever say no, I don’t want to come out at night? Do the stars refuse to shine? Do the constellations refuse to move into format? Does the earth refuse to turn?

God has given those of his creation with souls the responsibility to care for the rest of the earth he created. He created it for our use and for his good purpose. And we treat it with shame because we don’t respect God and His commands. We don’t honor Him through our service of caring for the earth. It’s on us. God commanded us to care for the earth. And there are those who think more highly of creation than they do the Creator. That in and of itself is a problem. But when we care for creation, we acknowledge and honor our Creator.

If creation honors God’s commands, why can’t I?

When the Israelites escaped from Egypt— when the family of Jacob left that foreign land— the land of Judah became God’s sanctuary, and Israel became his kingdom. The Red Sea saw them coming and hurried out of their way! The water of the Jordan River turned away. The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like lambs! What’s wrong, Red Sea, that made you hurry out of their way? What happened, Jordan River, that you turned away? Why, mountains, did you skip like rams? Why, hills, like lambs? Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob. He turned the rock into a pool of water; yes, a spring of water flowed from solid rock. Psalms 114:1-8

All Creation Sings

Standing outside on a cold winter morning, I see my breath as I exhale. I hold tightly to the leash as my dog sniffs the frozen ground. She leaves her mark on every spot that every other dog in the neighborhood has marked. I see the frost tipped grass that’s browned from the fall. It appears to be in a stagnant season at this point, but it’s only resting. The grass is gearing up for a busy season that’s just around the corner. It’s preparing for warmer months of growth and green and vibrance. It’s taking a break. It’s as if it’s the calm before the storm, but the grass is still very alive. The grass appears to be dead, but the work underground is moving along right on schedule. The dormant period for grass is an important step in its life.

I notice all the tree branches that have fallen from Thursday’s winds. Downed limbs mark the spot every few feet in the yard. As the small branches lay on the dead looking grass, their weakness is evident. Otherwise, they would still be holding strong to the tree that bore them. They couldn’t hold their strength against a strong wind. And that’s okay. Because the trunk of the tree still stands. The wind didn’t overtake the tree with its roots dug deep. But I noticed in my neighbor’s yard the two trees that have fallen, not from this week’s wind but from winds of days gone by. Sure. These neighbors will have the trees removed. They’ll have their fence repaired again, and life will go on as normal. And the winds will continue to blow at the appointed time.

I recall another sighting earlier in the week, as my dog and I were outside. Looking overhead, I noticed the small Cooper’s Hawk frantically flying through the air chasing a smaller bird just out of its reach. The hawk was searching for its next meal. The smaller bird was looking for a safe haven. In that particular moment, the smaller bird reached its safety nest before getting caught. And as I noticed the small hawk flying away empty handed, I knew it was still on the hunt for its next meal. And I knew it would be successful. At some point, there would be another small bird or rodent that would be caught in its mouth. The hawk would savor its meal and gain strength to sustain life. Life is a never ending circle.

Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy! Psalms 96:11-12

I also noticed a tree in my front yard beginning to form buds on the ends of each limb. Work was in progress as it began preparations for springtime. Oh. It seemed a tad early in the brisk cold, but the tree was planning for the future. It will soon spread its leaves and the flower buds will open, leaving a fragrance in the air for passersby to enjoy. This tree is gearing up for the growth and beauty that it will provide. Spring just can’t come soon enough. The dormant period is coming to an end.

As the days lengthen and become warm, they tease us with anticipation of the upcoming splash of color that’s around the corner. It’s assumed that nature is silent in the winter, because in our neck of the woods we see only brown and gray outdoors. But as the days grow longer and warmer, the gloominess will be replaced by a peek of sunshine and spring rain. At this moment in the soil, the bulbs and bushes are preparing for the next season of life. Creation sings not only in the spring when trees are budding and flowers are blooming. Creation sings in the winter with the frost on the plants. With the snowfall. With the frigid air. With the ice. Creation is singing. It’s just a different song. And it’s a song that a lot of people don’t like to hear because it’s cold. It’s inconvenient to bundle up to stay warm and safe. But hey. Life is full of inconveniences and we survive.

Creation is preparing for the next phase of life, because seasons come and go. In each season, we can find beauty if we look deep enough. If we don’t give up when things look bleak, when the sun isn’t shining, and all we see is gloom, we find hope. Then another day, the sun comes out and we feel its warmth. We see the limbs blown down, and we know that new limbs will grow. We see these empty trees and we know that new leaves will sprout. And they say that hope floats.

The hyacinths that I see coming up through the ground are an early sign that life is being lived under ground. And so that gives me hope that my life is still growing even underground where it can’t be seen. There is still beauty working in the dark days, in the lonely days and the trying times. When the ground looks barren, maybe we need to dig a little deeper. Because creation sings every day, even when we can’t hear it. Even when we can’t see the work nature is doing, it is still working. The wait is worth it.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

The human body is a work of art. Actually, it’s a masterpiece. It was designed by One who created everything else in the universe. And yet after all animals and plants were created, he knew that something was missing. Something important. He needed someone to fellowship with. So he created man. And boy. Did he think of everything in this creation. He not only created man. But he created woman. Two parts that together are whole.

And even before birth, God has specific plans designed for every individual. He doesn’t overlook anyone. From fertilization to the last breath, God has planned each moment of life. Each moment is designed to honor God. He knows how many breaths each of us will take. He knows those who will never breathe outside the womb. And he knows why they won’t. But his love covers all of us.

This artist’s work is complex. He created bones and ligaments. Fascia and muscles. Organs and follicles. Orifices and senses. He thought of everything a body would need in order to survive. Eyes for seeing. Ears for hearing. Nose for smelling. Skin for touching. Tongue for tasting. Brain for thinking. There’s nothing more or less that a body needs in order to do its job.

God knows his creation so well that he can read our minds. He knows our thoughts without them being spoken. He knows our intentions. And he sees our actions. He knows the movements of our body and the natural abilities we have. Who wouldn’t be in awe of this amazing masterpiece?

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalms 139:13-16

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

While it’s true that God created a masterpiece when he created the human body, we must remember that he never makes a mistake. When we’re unhappy with our body type or our facial structure, God isn’t. He didn’t create everyone to look exactly alike. He’s much more talented than that. He made each one of us unique. You may think your nose looks like a beak. And I think my short fat fingers look stubby. We don’t all need a slimline nose or long slender fingers. Stubby fingers can feel and poke the same as long ones. A beak of a nose can still smell the calming fragrance of lavender the same as a slim nose. Bald heads are just as attractive as full heads of hair. Gray hair tells a story that black, brown, red or blond hair can’t. We worry about the most senseless things when it comes to our appearance. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Some things are just better left untouched.

God only made two sexes. Male and female. You’re either one or the other. Nothing you or anyone else can do to your body can change that. Regardless of how desperate you are or what extremes are attempted, your sex was God ordained. Oh. Sure. We’re told that we can change our pronouns and our name. We can chop off body parts and create simulated ones. It doesn’t change our DNA. When we stand before God on judgment day, he’ll see us as he created us. Not as we’ve re-created ourselves. Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

The two bodies need each other. Male and female. That’s the natural order of reproduction. It takes one of each to create another human. Only females can get pregnant and deliver a child. Man cannot. If a man gets pregnant and delivers a baby, then the one who says he’s a man is really a woman trying to be a man. It’s not rocket science. But it is science. God ordained science.

We may think we can fool mother nature, but we can’t fool our heavenly Father. He is the one and only Creator. When we mess with his design, we will answer for it. Because when God created mankind, he saw that his creation was very good. That’s what he saw. If he didn’t like what he saw, he would have done things differently. He doesn’t make a mistake. Make no mistake about it. God’s handiwork is perfection. Let’s not meddle with it.

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! Genesis 1:31