A New Thing

That new thing coming your way. Oh. It may be a miracle of God. Do you accept it? Do you believe it? Will you trust it? Amid all the uncertainty and unfamiliarity and newness. Will you allow God to work in the ways that he sees best?

I say let’s let God do that new thing. Even when its hard. Because new isn’t always easy. It’s in the letting go and allowing God to work that makes the newness work. Newness means giving up the old for something different. Something uncomfortable. Something that teaches new lessons. And that can open new doors if we will just walk through them.

I’m preaching to myself here. Newness for me is now eight months in the making. It still feels uncomfortable. There are still days I want to run in the opposite direction.  But God continues to lead me down the new path.  I sometimes wonder why he brings me to a new thing that is really hard. and then leaves me there.

I have to admit. There are rewards and blessings in this new place. I can’t deny those. But there is also discomfort. Anxiety. Uncertainty. Doubt. Doubt in myself. But I know I must continue to trust God. and follow his lead. For he is doing a new thing.

If I’m in charge of the newness, well. Everything is ok.  I’m all in. If someone else is calling the shots, it’s a different story. I have to choose to cooperate. Oh.  Newness is hard.

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Isaiah reminded the Israelites of all the newness God had provided for them for over 400 years. He delivered them from Egypt. He performed miracle after miracle just to provide for them. He parted the Red Sea. He provided manna for 40 years so they could eat every day. He kept their clothes and shoes from wearing out for 40 years. He parted the Jordan River. He fought their battles. He won their battles. As long as as they were obeying him.

But the Israelites still doubted God. They still turned their backs on him. They forgot the newness he gave them. And that was when they lost the battles with their enemies. They became slaves once again. And when they had had enough of being beaten up by their enemies, they would crawl back to God and ask for forgiveness. And every time. Every time, God would pick them up. Dust them off. And forgive them. He would welcome them back. And start the newness all over again.

How often is the newness I face a result of my disobedience to God? How often is it a result of God stretching me and growing me into a deeper relationship with him?

Step aside fear and let God move. Step aside tradition and let new beginnings take shape. Step aside trouble and let healing and peace make an appearance. Step aside doubt and make way for faith. Step aside human and allow the host of heavens armies to fight for you. 

Newness. Anticipation. Fear of the unknown. Excitement. Let’s do this.