
I once craved sweets and chocolate. Carbs were my go to meal. Unhealthy carbs that seemed healthy. Pizza. Pasta. Donuts. Croissants. Bagels. Bread. Whatever carb I found, I was in. I was always looking for the biggest piece of dessert I could find. Cookies. Cake. Brownies. You name it. I ate it.

I’ve since cleaned up my diet. In the past ten years, I’ve given up most of the foods I formerly craved. Oh. I couldn’t give them up all at the same time. They were discarded one by one. In slow increments. Over time, I have been able to overhaul my diet to a healthy one. And I find I don’t miss those foods I once craved. They no longer appeal to me. I can’t remember the last time I ate pasta or sourdough bread. Call me crazy, but I don’t miss those foods anymore.

I’ve learned that tastes can change. You have to put in the effort to make the change. It won’t be easy. It won’t be perfect. But change can happen if given a chance. Change for the better is always best.

I replaced these old loves with new satisfying foods. Healthy foods. Apples. Dates. Potatoes. Brussels sprouts. Smoothies. Taste buds can change. The desire to change must be stronger than the love of the old craving.

I find that as my cravings have moved from processed sugars to natural ones, I enjoy fruit at a different level.  It is true that fruit can sometimes taste like candy.  It sounds strange, but it is true.  Oh.  There are times that I intentionally eat chocolate.  Or a brownie.  Cheesecake.  Pizza.  I still enjoy those foods.  But I don’t dwell on them.  I no longer crave them. I can recall the flavors of the foods of my past, but I no longer use them to fill my hunger.

Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever. 1 John 2:15-17

A craving for physical pleasure. Do I use food as a replacement for the deep spiritual longing that is within me? Has physical activity taken priority over prayer and Bible reading?

A craving for everything we see. Do I really need that new pair of shoes? Or another pair of jeans? What about the organizational items that I never get around to using? Will I ever use that new immersion blender I just bought? Will these things fill the cravings that I have for more, more more?

Pride in our achievements and possessions. Do I place my dreams and plans and goals ahead of God’s will for me? Does that award really hold more value that peace of mind and contentment? Do I treat others nice so it will make me look good?

I find that as my craving for a closer walk with God matures, my desires are centered on more holy actions.  Honest words.  Intentional acts of kindness.  Thoughtful gestures.  I no longer have the desire to prove my abilities.  I want the mind of Christ to be seen and heard through me.  Oh.  I’m not perfect.  I fall short of my goal many times.  But as my desire for heaven deepens, my desire to please the One who made me grows stronger.  No.  I’m not a holy roller.  I’m one who has developed a deep craving for God Almighty.  I’ve discovered a desire to be more like him.  I want a close, personal relationship with him.  I want to recognize sin when it looks me in the face.  I don’t want to be influenced by sin disguised as goodness. 

I recently read that God made us to crave, so that we would always desire more of him. So, these days, what are you craving?