Dressed for the Occasion

They were the ruling party of the day. They knew they had control of the people, and they liked it that way. Power is everything to some people, and some people abuse that power. And in this very moment, they were abusing the power that had been vested to them by the authorities. And they didn’t care. Who would challenge them? Who would call them out for their unlawful behavior? Who would dare?

A man was on trial for a belief the ruling party didn’t agree with. So they brought in their own attorney to tell a version of the story that was far from the truth. They even provided witnesses who didn’t witness the so-called crime. They were determined to put this man away for what life he had left in him. And rightly so, because he was a threat to their way of ruling. He spoke words that went directly against their ideologies, and he was in the way. A menace to society, some would say.

Funny thing is. This man didn’t even have an attorney. He spoke in his own defense. But no worries. His speech was eloquent and accurate. He did not embellish his story. He just told the plain truth. His delivery was on point. There was no denying that. He had been called a troublemaker and a ringleader. He was accused of desecrating the holy place where everyone worshipped. Only he hadn’t.

This man’s name was Paul. What this ruling party failed to remember, or perhaps didn’t know, was that Paul had once sought and approved of the killing and imprisonment of people who called themselves Christians. And now. Here he was. The roles had been reversed, and he found himself on the receiving end of imprisonment and possible death for being a Christian. Oh. Paul was aware of the dangers, but he felt God’s call on his life to share the message of salvation.

It was obvious to Paul and the men who traveled with him that the leaders in Jerusalem had rejected the gospel message. And by doing so, they rejected anyone associated with it. Not only were there multiple incidents of the message being rejected locally, but violence was ramping up against Paul and other believers. So when Paul spoke publicly about Jesus Christ and the need for salvation, a spotlight was pointed straight on him. But it didn’t silence him.

You can read this story about Paul in Acts 24-26.

Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:14-17

Oh. Paul knew who he was fighting against. He knew the enemy, because he had once been a soldier in the enemy’s camp, all the while thinking he was fighting for a righteous cause. But he had been fooled. And when his eyes were opened, he realized the error of his ways. He had not been on the winning team, even though he had fully believed he was. But once the scales fell from his eyes, he surrendered to the God who had called his name on that road to Damascus. And ever since that day, he was fighting a winning battle even when he appeared to be losing. He was, at long last, on God’s side and would fight mightily for him until his last exhale of breath. Paul knew his final victory would be to spend eternity with his Savior, so fight he must.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

In Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus, he gave them basic instructions on how to stand unwavering in their faith. He taught them how to get dressed in the full armor of God every day, because that’s how he stood ready and prepared for the spiritual fight of his life. As he stood in front of the courts that day, he wore the full armor of God and was able to stand his ground speaking the truth boldly and confidently.

This body armor was not visible to the naked eye, but its effects were on full display. Those in the courtroom heard the full truth of Paul’s story, and God’s righteousness protected his heart from being wounded by sin. Paul walked into that arena in peace knowing that he was anchored and standing firm in his faith. He carried the shield of faith, so the enemy’s fiery arrows couldn’t reach him. By wearing the helmet of salvation, Paul’s every thought was protected by God. Satan’s stronghold was no threat over him. Lastly, Paul used the Word of God as a sword against Satan’s temptations. Paul was covered head to toe in God’s armor.

As believers, we too are called to be fully dressed in God’s armor every day. When we stand before our accusers for thought crimes or words of truth, we must be prepared to stand in defense of the truth. We must use every piece of God’s armor to defend our faith. Others may not see God’s armor, but as we wear it each day they will see God’s work in us as we reject Satan’s advances on our faith.

This spiritual warfare is a battle every believer faces, so we must be dressed for the occasion. As soldiers in the army of God, we must be armed at all times. No warrior enters the battle without their weapons. We can be encouraged knowing that God has provided his protection for us with this suit of armor. Those who know the strength and power of the suit will recognize its work as we publicly live out our faith.

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