Motley Crew

David had been anointed to be the next king of Israel by the prophet, Samuel. The problem was that the current king, Saul, was still alive. There can’t be two kings at the same time. And King Saul had an inkling that David was going to be the next king. Saul had seen God’s favor on David as he fought in battles and as he walked among the people. It wasn’t hard for Saul to see that God’s favor was all over David. So Saul was jealous, and he wanted David dead.

Saul was on the warpath again and was looking to kill David. So, once again, David was on the run. He not only needed a hiding place, but he needed an army to fight with him. How could he accomplish all that at the last minute? David had no place to hide. He couldn’t go home. He couldn’t go to the palace where Saul lived. He couldn’t stay with his best friend, Jonathan, who happened to be Saul’s son. He had nowhere safe to go. So. He did the next best thing. He found a cave to shelter in, and his brothers and his father’s household came along to be protected, as well. But what David really needed was an army to fight with him and for him. Who would do that? Who would fight for him?

Once in the cave, David needed to assemble his army. Whoever he could find would be called on to serve with him. He knew he couldn’t save himself all alone from the mad king hunting him. He needed his own army of men. He needed bodyguards and soldiers to help him fight his battles. He needed marksmen who were straight shooters. So he accepted those who wouldn’t have been accepted into Saul’s army.

Funny thing is. Others down on their luck heard where David was hiding and came to join him. He soon found himself surrounded by those who were in the middle of their own crisis. Their lives were in distress for different reasons, perhaps by their own making. And people who were in debt came to hide out. These men were down on their luck and had seen massive failure. And anyone who was discontented joined him. The discontented men were bitter for different reasons. They either weren’t satisfied with their lives, or they weren’t satisfied with Saul’s leadership. So David basically got all the rejects living in the cave with him. These were men of unsavory reputation, and they became David’s army.

So David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. Soon his brothers and all his other relatives joined him there. Then others began coming—men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented—until David was the captain of about 400 men. 1 Samuel 22:1-2

God used an army of misfits to fight for the future king of Israel. God knew that on their own they were no match for Saul’s army. I mean. After all, each member of this motley crew was already running from someone or something in their past. So would they really stand strong and fight for David when they came face to face with the royal army? Would David be able to whip this small band of no-gooders into battle-ready warriors? It wasn’t that David didn’t know how to train soldiers. He was an experienced war-time leader. The question was. Could these men actually become warriors?

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

I just wonder. When David saw these men coming one by one. Or two by two. Did he roll his eyes at the sight of these scraggly losers? Did he wonder, why the outcasts? Why do they want to join me? How did they find me? What should I do with them? And yet. David took them under his wing, and God made him the captain of this mismatched army. God was at work in these men’s lives in a mighty way. They didn’t remain as outcasts forever. God worked in their lives, and they became true warriors. In a short time, they were using strategic maneuvers in fighting their toughest opponents. And over time, they became David’s loyal army and remained faithful to him even after he became king. They were David’s strong supporters, and they won many battles.

I wonder. When we turn our lives over to God, does he only see the word “misfit” stamped across our forehead? Does he wonder what in the world will he do with us? How can he accomplish his plans with rejects who approach his throne? Oh. God isn’t hiding in a cave. He doesn’t have to. But when we approach him with all our troubles and anxieties and mess ups, otherwise known as sin, what will he do with us?

We come to him as feeble, broken beings and he turns us into his fighting warriors. Oh sure. It takes time and work. It takes obedience and effort. It takes study and preparation. All on our part. If we’re going to become fighting warriors of God, we must do our part in the training program. We have no idea what God will do through us, but we know that God is capable of anything and everything.

We know David didn’t do all the work when training his new army. The actual warriors had to do the grunt work. They had to be disciplined and practice. They didn’t become sharp shooters overnight. They didn’t learn all their strategic fighting moves by just watching David. They had to actually get in the fight. They weren’t sideline warriors. And we can’t be either. We must get in the fight and do our part to stand up for God’s truth. We must be disciplined to study God’s Word, his spiritual warfare manual, so we know how to head off the enemy before he strikes. And then we must do our part to fight the good fight. The war has been raging for centuries, and the battle is getting more intense. We must be battle ready at all times. It’s time to buckle up and put on the full armor of God.

We’ve heard that God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called. So we don’t have to come to him ready to fight. We come to him in repentance and seeking forgiveness. He will clean us up and make us into his warriors as we submit ourselves to him. When we faithfully commit to serving him, he will prune us and shape us into the spiritual warrior he planned us to be. Oh. It won’t be an overnight pruning. It will take years of study and learning, doubting ourselves, picking ourselves us from missteps. But through faith in God, he will use us as his capable warriors as we place our full and complete trust in him.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

The Days are Evil

We hear word of the deadly shooting in the grocery store. Ten innocent people lost their lives. Three others were wounded. People going about their daily lives. Buying groceries. Planning for upcoming meals and family gatherings. Targeted by someone who thought their lives were worth nothing.

Other innocent people are killed every day, and they’re not even born. People are protesting the possible overturning of an almost fifty-year old ruling that was wrong to begin with. Women say they want to rule their bodies, but they’re also trying to rule the new life within them. I read about one young woman who thought the mother should have the right to end her child’s life at any point, even at any age after birth. She said the woman should always have the right to choose. She believes women should have the right to murder their child at any point in the woman’s life. That’s what she said.

And then there’s rage. It’s seeping into the fabric of our lives. People are outraged by everything that goes against their beliefs. They claim that people are intolerant for having different views. But isn’t that what tolerance is? Accepting of another’s views even if you don’t agree? I mean. Who’s really being intolerant?

School boards and administrators have been quietly pushing secular teachings to unsuspecting children. And now that the parents know and oppose the new ideologies being taught, they’re at odds with the schools. Pedophilia is being pushed as normal. Pronouns are being distorted based on feelings, not actuality. Kids are being groomed to accept sexual perversion as normal from a young age. Teachers are encouraging students to lie to their parents. Who’s really in charge of our children today?

The media is leading people astray by twisting the truth. Social media skews information to favor a biased left leaning agenda. The leader of the free world is chipping away at our liberty and is dismantling our rights. Our country’s sovereignty is on the chopping block. Who’s stopping him? Maybe a better question is. Who’s encouraging him?

If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. John 15:18-19

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are. 1 Peter 5:8-9

The enemy of our souls is on a warpath. And he’s coming for each of us. Can’t you tell? He’s trying to pull out all the stops, because he wants your heart. And mine. But mine isn’t available. It’s already been won by the Lord Jesus Christ. I plan to keep it that way.

Oh. Satan is working overtime. But just know this. He isn’t all powerful. He isn’t omnipotent. He isn’t God. So he is limited in his power and ability. Oh. God has him on a leash. Sometimes the leash is drawn tight, and other times it seems to be fully extracted. God gives Satan permission to do anything he does. Imagine what life would be like if God wasn’t in control. Imagine life with Satan as ruler of this world.

Oh. That day is coming. There will be a time when Satan has control over the earth. But right now, he’s just testing the waters. He’s just getting started. He’s tugging on the leash. He’s always trying to expand his power beyond what God has allowed. And yes. It seems that more and more, his power is increasing. Oh. He’s chomping at the bit to take control. He wants to wreak havoc over all the earth. And he is. Can’t you feel it?

Everywhere we turn, Satan’s fingerprints are on many aspects of life. It’s impossible to ignore him, anymore. But we don’t have to give in to his tyranny. We don’t have to bow to him. Never should we bow to Satan. He is the enemy of our souls.

We must stand and fight with all our might against his evil works. We must choose truth over lies. We must not give in to his pretty schemes and flirty ways. He’s a trickster, all right. He’ll woo and manipulate until we’ve bowed to his plans. If we aren’t careful.

What we must realize is that God is still in full control. He’s allowing Satan to infiltrate our culture and our minds, because we haven’t kept our eyes on God. We’ve allowed Satan to have his way in our world, and he wants more. He always wants more. But so does God. And we must choose who will have control over our lives.

Oh. It’s not too late to turn back to God. Even when the days are evil, God is still good. God is still sovereign. God is still in control. And we have the choice of who we will serve. God. Or Satan. Who will it be? I choose God. And while there’s still time, I encourage you to choose God, too. His love is everlasting. His love is eternal. He’s preparing a home in heaven for those who call on his name. Won’t you surrender your life to him while there’s still time? Bow to God and repent of your sins. Ask for forgiveness and choose to serve God. You won’t regret it.

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13

Enemies Abound

Our culture teaches us to avoid trouble. We’re supposed to be kind and good. We should treat others in the way we want to be treated. Be honest, but don’t hurt the other person’s feelings. We want an easy life, so we try to blend in. Don’t make waves. We’re told that we’ll get further in life if we agree with what we’re told. And just keep quiet. Don’t cause trouble. These days, we haven’t developed the toughness we need when hard times come. We aren’t prepared for adversity or struggles.

But where does that get us? Oh sure. We should avoid trouble if it’s uncalled for. But sometimes trouble comes looking for us. Sometimes trouble is the instigator, and we’re the target. Do we stand still and let it overtake us? Or do we push back? Which is better? Fight or flight?

Jesus told us that we would have trouble in this world. He said we would have many trials and sorrows. It should be of no surprise to God’s children when we face hurdles and obstacles. We will face seasons of unrest and instability. We may be the target of attempts to discredit or defame us. The enemy is a monster who wants our souls. And when we are facing battles, we must commit them to God. Our confidence must be in his power. Not our own. We must know that, as children of God, his presence and power are with us.

Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God. Psalms 20:7

As followers of Christ, we must live strong. We must put on the armor of God each day before we meet our adversaries. Oh. You may think you don’t have enemies, but most likely your enemies aren’t visible. We do fight against principalities. Against unseen powers of the darkness. We are not fighting flesh and blood. We are in spiritual warfare in this world.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-11

And God tells us that we should not be afraid when we fight our enemies. He doesn’t say if we fight our enemies. Oh no. He says when we fight. We will fight. There will be warfare. And we’re not to be afraid, because he is with us. He will fight for us. He will give us victory.

We also must realize that the army we fight may be bigger than us. So we must commit our situation to God. Because he also said that he has overcome the world. Our confidence must be in God and God alone. Oh. He says he will fight for us, but there’s no doubt that we must prepare for battle. We can’t go in without plans and preparation. God fights for us and through us.

We must surround ourselves with likeminded people.  Brave people. People who will stand for the cause of Christ.  People who will do hard things and fight for truth and liberty. We need friends who will encourage us and pray for us.  If we spend too much time with weak, frightened people, we will become like them.  We must know our enemy. Because he masquerades as an angel of light looking for someone to devour. He makes good look evil and evil look good. It’s easy to be tricked if we don’t know what he’s capable of.

When you go out to fight your enemies and you face horses and chariots and an army greater than your own, do not be afraid. The Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, is with you! When you prepare for battle, the priest must come forward to speak to the troops. He will say to them, ‘Listen to me, all you men of Israel! Do not be afraid as you go out to fight your enemies today! Do not lose heart or panic or tremble before them. For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!’ Deuteronomy 20:1-4

Need Help Getting Dressed

Every day I get dressed.  Of course.   I should get dressed twice, if I really think about it. One outfit I wear every day is the one that is noticeable to anyone who sees me. The other one is invisible. But it’s there.

The problem with the second outfit is that I have to remember to put it on each day. And some days I have trouble remembering it. Other days, I only wear part of the outfit. I seem to have trouble getting the full outfit on. It shouldn’t be that way. Because the full outfit is required if I am to get any real use out of it.

Perhaps the remedy to my problem is that I should put it on first. Before my visible outfit. 

The thing is. I wouldn’t be caught dead without the clothes that are visible. I wouldn’t want anyone to see me in a state of undress. It would be embarrassing and humiliating. It would be unthinkable. 

So why do I feel that it’s ok to be in a state of undress when it comes to the invisible outfit? I should feel embarrassed and humiliated by not wearing it. Oh. That outfit is a little beat up. It’s been in battles. It’s been on the front lines of spiritual warfare. It’s no longer shiny and  new. There are dings and dents. But it’s holding its own. It’s one of a kind. Built just for me. So there’s no trading it in for a newer shinier model. It’s built to last for a lifetime. 

The armor of God is tailor made just for me. How can I ever forget to suit up each day?  Each piece of the suit has a specific use. Without each piece, I’m not fully protected from evil or temptation. I’m putting myself at risk by not taking the time to get dressed properly. Why do I do that?

Oh. I know why I need to wear this armor. I know why I need to get suited up. It’s been made clear to me. There’s no other way to fight the advances of the evil one. I must wear this armor every day. Every piece of it.

Put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Ephesians 6:13

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:10-12

Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body of armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Ephesians 6:14-17

Each piece of the armor has a specific purpose. It’s made for a custom fit. Perfectly designed with me in mind.

The belt of truth. Stand your ground and put on the belt of truth. If you’ve ever worn a belt, you know it tells the truth. It tells the truth of the size of the waist it surrounds. There’s no fooling it. The belt does not lie. It either goes all the way around the waist. Or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t fit, there’s a different truth to tell.

But the belt that a Roman soldier wore had a sheath for the soldier’s weapon. A sword. The sword was tucked into the sheath attached to the belt. When I put on the spiritual belt, I add truth to my wardrobe. And that’s what matters the most. I must be wrapped in truth at all times.

The breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate is a shield that protects the vital organs of a soldier’s body. If a soldier didn’t use this shield, any injury would most likely be fatal. Just the same, if I don’t use my shield of righteousness, any attack from the enemy of my soul could prove fatal. The shield is strong. It’s made of the best material to combat strikes from the enemy.

Some may ask what righteousness is. Righteousness is doing what is right in God’s eyes. So if I’m doing what’s right in God’s eyes, I am shielded with the strength of God’s protection. If I choose lawlessness, then God’s protection falls away. I am at risk of receiving a fatal blow. Righteousness guards me against the attacks of Satan. His attacks of sin can’t penetrate through the strength of the breastplate if I’m following God’s instructions.

The gospel of peace. For shoes, I am to put on the peace that comes from the Good News. Because I must be fully prepared. If I am walking in God’s peace, I won’t be so easily tripped up on the bumpy and difficult path of life that I’m walking. Because that path takes me through the enemy’s territory, and I have no idea where the traps and potholes will be placed. They are put in place by Satan’s army to divert me from the path of peace and truth. I must avoid the obstacles at all costs. If my feet can be shaken loose from the path of peace, then I will stumble and fall prey to his advances.

When God summons me down the road of obedience, he doesn’t clear the path so I can walk along with ease. He allows those obstacles and bumps, so the shoes of peace I wear will steady my travels and keep me close to him. But I must wear these peace coverings as a means of protection. They allow me to move freely, without fear of what lies ahead on the path.

The shield of faith. A shield is raised up by the soldier to protect him from being hit by the enemy’s arrows. Faith is the shield that I must raise to block the advances of the enemy. My faith must be strong. The strength of my faith determines how long I stay in battle. If I lower or drop the shield of faith, then I might as well surrender. I’ve lost the battle. This fight requires a strong faith. Even faith the size of a mustard seed can win battles.

I must block fear with the shield of faith. I am fighting a spiritual war. With the shield of faith, I can deflect the fiery arrows that the enemy is shooting at me. My faith shield is my first line of defense. Without it, I am lost and defeated. Satan will be free to swoop in and capture my soul. Faith is my weapon of strength.

The helmet of salvation. The helmet is a vital piece of equipment in a battle. It protects the head. Any injury to the head would most certainly prove fatal. This piece of a soldier’s equipment cannot be forgotten. It is a life saver.

When I place the helmet of salvation on my head, I am guarding against the weapons of the mind. Because the mind is its own battlefield. My thoughts and desires. My dreams and goals. My fears and beliefs. They all start in my mind. My mind must be centered on my Heavenly Father. I must think on things that are true and honest, just and pure, lovely and of good report, virtue and praise. These are the thoughts that must fill my mind. Otherwise, the enemy of my soul will wreak havoc on my thoughts. My salvation depends on my mind staying pure and centered on the Host of heaven’s armies. I am fighting for my salvation, and it begins with my mind.

The sword of the spirit. Actually, I must carry only one offensive weapon as I wear this outfit. I am to carry a sword that is tucked into the belt of truth around my waist. The Word of God is the sword stored securely in my belt. It is my only offense against the attacks of the evil one. Sure. I can be all suited up to protect myself. But when I fight, I fight with the Word of God. I can’t leave home without it.

All the other parts of my armor are meant to protect me. To shield me from the attacks. But the sword of the Spirit is my weapon of choice. It’s the only weapon that I can use to fight fairly and truthfully. None other can compare. Oh. Some may say that it’s a poor choice of weapon. But if they’ve never studied this weapon, they don’t know the extent of good it can do. We can be destroyed if we don’t know God. And this sword is so powerful, it can cut through every defense the enemy throws in its path. If a child of God is wielding this weapon, nothing can stand against it. God’s word will prevail.

So, the weapons I am given to fight this spiritual battle are truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and the Word of God. These are my weapons of choice. I better get dressed.

Buckle up. Here. We. Go.

Be On Guard

Have you ever read something that just seemed like good practical advice? It was words you could live by without giving much thought or effort? Until something happens and you find those words aren’t as easy to live by as you thought. Then what? What do you do when you find yourself caught in an unexpected situation? How do you handle it?

Sometimes we just have to go back to the basics of living and follow sound advice. It always helps if the advice we look to is solid biblical teaching.

The Bible is full of sound teaching. Plain old good advice. Verse after verse tells us that we must live godly lives. It also tells us how to live a godly life. We must put away childish behavior and grow strong in our faith. Some of the advice will convict us to change our words, behavior and attitudes. There are the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:3-17). And the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10). The book of Proverbs is full of encouraging, challenging and rewarding words.

Be on guard. Be alert. Be aware of your surroundings. Is evil present? Should you walk away? Be aware of your weaknesses and temptations. When in doubt, don’t. Watch out for the enemy who prowls around watching for someone to devour. Put on the full armor of God, so you can stand against the devil’s plots.

Stand firm in the faith. Don’t budge when tempted to do or say something you know is wrong. Sin will take you down a path you never meant to walk on. So put on that full armor of God every day. Tighten the buckle of faith. Don’t be wishy washy with your beliefs. Know your convictions and hold to them. Don’t be bullied into something without weighing the cost. Don’t fall prey to watered down spiritual teachings. Know the truth and live it.

You have the Host of heaven’s armies on your side. He’s fighting for you. So fight for him. Fight for truth and honor.

If you are a child of God, then you are a soldier. You are fighting an enemy who wants you and all of you. Can you identify the enemy?

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. Do everything with love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Be courageous. Heroes are bold and strong. They stand for what they believe. Say no to the enemy of your soul. Just be warned. The enemy may look beautiful at times. Or taste very sweet. The enemy may flash dollar signs and promise untold wealth. Speak boldly the words of truth and correction. Don’t be shy about saying hard things. Be speak kindly. Act mature. Don’t be foolish in the things you say and do. Don’t be a wimp when someone insults you. Be bold. Take responsibility for your words and actions. Just grow up in your faith. Don’t become stagnant.

Be strong. Strength takes work and effort. Perseverance. Strength is born through consistent training. Anyone can be weak. Most are. But true strength comes from battling your worst enemy and conquering your temptations. Satan himself is the enemy of your soul. If someone can learn to bench press 250 pounds, then they can learn the word of God. Nothing is impossible with God.

When your faith is tested, stand strong. Speak words of truth. Don’t fall prey to the enemy’s advances. God is an ever present help in times of trouble. Trust him and hold tightly to his mighty hand.

Do everything in love. Treat others like you want to be treated. Be kind. Don’t cause trouble. Speak truth but speak in love. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try walking their road of life. Lend a hand. Smile at a stranger. You don’t have to agree with everyone, but be kind when there are differing opinions. Be respectful. Honor those who have gone before you. Be attentive to those who come behind, for they are watching and listening.

God’s Word is a useful tool for everyday living. Spend time there every day. You will be surprised at some of the historical events. But lessons can be learned from all situations in life. God is faithful. He will direct our lives if only we allow him. But first, we have to know him. We must take the time and effort to build a close relationship with him. Let’s be uncommon people in a common world.

The Raging Battle

A battle has been raging for years. Eons it seems. The human mind doesn’t really know how long. There may not be an accurate record of when it all started. It is the battle of the ages.

There are two warriors. In one corner stands the Lover of your soul. In the other corner crouches the Enemy of your soul. One is the Holy Spirit. The other is an evil spirit. They are polar opposites. The only thing they have in common is that they want your soul. But their plan of attack is nothing alike.

The evil spirit was once a high ranking angel. He decided he wanted to be equal with God. He convinced many other angels to join in his rebellion. He lost. Big time. And he’s been laying out his battleground ever since. Satan is not giving up. He’s all out for blood and souls.

It is a battle of right against wrong. Good against evil. Truth against lies. Love against hate. Light against darkness. Selflessness against selfishness. Life against death. Creator against destroyer. It is a fight for morality in a world filled with immorality.

The enemy aims his fiery arrows at the soul of his target. Some might think having a fiery arrow aimed at them is straight out of an action-packed superhero movie. But be warned. These arrows are aimed to kill the very soul of anyone in its path. The enemy will find your weaknesses and aim point blank at them. 

It will take super powers to resist his advances. A soul can’t resist on its own. The soul needs help. And there is a warrior just fit for the battle.

So, why do so many resist?

Oh yes. A superhero is in the fight. He has powers that can’t be matched. No. He doesn’t wear a cape. But he does bear scars on his hands and his feet. He has scars on his brow that was pierced by thorns. He has a long scar down his side. Oh. He has battle scars all right. 

The lover fights for your soul, as well. He fights with truth. Justice. Love. Patience.  Forgiveness. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. He gives hope to the hopeless and a path for the lost.

How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15

The battle has been taken to the streets. To the hearts and souls of humanity. It’s not just between a fallen angel and God Almighty. Oh. They’re at the heart of it. But they each are fighting for your heart. For your soul. For your eternity. They each have a plan of attack. One is based in love and forgiveness. The other in hate and greed.

The enemy is an expert at masquerading around as something he is not. He is eternity’s worst liar. Oh. His lies are good. They fool many a soul. But in the end, they’re lies. He stands against good. He distorts the truth. He creates diversions. He plants discouragement. Discontentment. Doubt. He is looking to devour anyone in his path.

The lover of your soul offers strength and power that is unmatched. The level of his strength and power are absolutely necessary to fight the enemy’s advances. Because the enemy will stop at nothing to take you down to hell with him.

One is the underdog, but he fights a mean fight. He holds nothing back. He goes for the jugular, and he means business. He will not give up on you. He wants your soul, and he will stop at nothing to get it.

One is the victor. He fights a just fight. He makes the rough places smooth. He will go before you as the way maker and stand behind you as your rear guard. He will surround you with his presence. You will never be left behind if he is fighting for you. He loves you.

Here’s the catch. You choose who wins your soul. It’s all your choice. But in the end, the Lover of your soul will win over the enemy. Even if you don’t choose the Lover, he will still beat Satan in the final battle. But your eternity will have already been decided. It will be too late for you to change your mind.

Choose you this day whom you will serve, for the time in this battle is short.