Unexpected Interruptions

His day didn’t go as planned. What was meant to be a quick lunch turned into an afternoon of frenzy. He always leaves the office during lunchtime so he can reset his mind and renew his energy. And before going back into the office, he’ll check his text and voice messages. This day turned into a chaos of events. While turning onto the busy street, an oncoming car traveling at top speed hit him. Front and center. His car spun in a full circle ending back in the direction he was headed. Air bags deployed. Glasses flew off his face. He was in a daze, to say the least. Fortunately, he suffered no physical injuries.

This man’s car would never start again, but the other driver drove off undetected to most. However, one eyewitness saw the driver escape and reported it. Police officers arrived. Questions were asked. Facts were gathered. Stories of the event were shared. Broken glass and debris were swept off the street. The car was towed. A ticket was written. A rental car was acquired.

He called his wife and shared the bad news. She arrived to take him home. He asked if she had learned mercy from the incident. When she said yes, she asked what he had learned. Humility. He said.

There was no need for harsh words or reprimands. There is a time to be silent and merciful in a difficult situation. When someone is shaken up and remorseful all at the same time, they don’t need to hear belittling words. Kind words and reassurance go a long way to heal a troubled heart.

Be still, and know that I am God! Psalms 46:10

In the midst of the life’s turmoil, we can learn contentment. Momentary peace comes from having a working car or an accident-free record. Sustaining peace comes from knowing God. Life will throw us curveballs when we least expect them. And we must be able to punt and do the next right thing. Whatever it looks like, life will continue on. Oh sure. A working, drivable car is a very good thing. And an accident-free driving record keeps the insurance rates lower. What we call necessities of life may only be things we should strive for and not demand. There are things we shouldn’t take for granted. We seem to miss them only when we need them and don’t have them.

The car may be totaled. The body may be shaken and the ego bruised. The soul can still be at peace through every circumstance. We know that the tests of life come to build our faith. It may not seem that a minor traffic accident could be a faith builder, but knowing that God’s hand of protection was surrounding the scene is a great comfort. Knowing that no one was injured brings peace of mind. Knowing that another car can be found brings stability. Hindsight is sometimes 20/20.

Life is full of chaos, sometimes caused by oneself and at other times caused by others. Life is basically out of our control. The events of daily life can be overwhelming, but we can learn resilience through a consistent walk with God. Because when circumstances in life are challenging, God is faithful. God makes his presence and power known when we stop and take a moment to dwell on his goodness. Even in the midst of unexpected, awful events, God is still good.

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